The fire of hell cannot burn the organs of ablution and the seven organs of prostration
✒️ The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said
☝️ "Even if Allah wills, have mercy on the people of Hell, Allah commands the angels to come out and believe in Ya'Abdullah, so they come out to us, and they make us aware of the effects of prostration. , Faikharjoon min ulnar qud imtishwa, Faisab alihum maa al-hiyyah fanbtun kuma tanbat al-habba fi hameel al-sail.

(Sahih Bukhari, Kitab al-Zhan, Chapter Fazl al-Sujood, H. 806/6573/7437)
🔖▪️ Among the people of Hell, on whom Allah Almighty wills to have mercy, He will command the angels to take out those who used to worship only Allah Almighty.
🔖▪️ So they will take them out, and recognize the polytheists by the signs of prostration, Allah Ta'ala has forbidden the burning of the effects of prostration in hell, so when they are taken out of hell, the effect will be other than prostration. All the parts of his body will have been burnt by fire, when he will be out of Hell, they will be completely burnt, therefore, the water of life will be poured on them, with which they will be filled like the garbage of the flood, after the flood subsides. It emerges.
⚖️ The Day of Resurrection is the day of retribution and retribution. In this world, whoever has done will be rewarded for what he has done. . Allah Almighty will take some people out of hell with His mercy, but the question is, which people will have mercy and for those who perform what action will Allah's mercy be excited?
"30 hadith for ramadan in arabic and english"
🌹🤝 These will be the monotheists who, along with the belief of monotheism in the world, have also done good deeds and committed some sins under the demands of humanity. Stay inside
🕋☝️ That's why Allah Ta'ala will command the angels that Angels! Go and bring out from hell those people who used to worship me
🛐✨ Angels will sit asking Allah Almighty, how will we recognize those who worship Allah? All those who live in hell will have been burnt to ashes. Ash and coal will be hard to identify and remove.
🕋☝️ Allah Almighty will say Angel! Go to Hell, those whose foreheads, both palms, both knees and both feet are not burnt, bring them out. The angels will say, O Allah, the fire of Hell will have burnt everything. given
🛐 Therefore, when the angels search for such people and take them out of hell, they will see that all their parts except the prostration will have been burnt by the fire of hell.
🌹✨ These seven limbs will remain because when a person prostrates, these seven limbs are connected to the ground, which are defined as limbs of prostration.
📗✨ The Prophet ﷺ said, “I have been commanded to prostrate on seven limbs.”
📕✨Therefore, Allah Ta'ala will not burn his limbs for prostration, even if he goes to hell while keeping a sign of prostration, and it is obvious that the one who performs prostration is a prayerful person, a non-prayer does not perform prostration. If a person who prays is cast into hell because of his bad deeds, then when the angels go to search for him, they will take out the limbs because of the remains of prostration. will become coal so the angels will not recognize who it is