Do this once every day in Ramadan
The action is very little but the reward is great
- 💯 times "Subhan Allah"
- 💯 times "Alhamdulillah"
- 💯 times "Allahu Akbar"
- 💯 times "La ilaha illallah"
The reward and reward of reading in the light of the correct hadiths of the Prophet:: 👇
1 ⃣ Every time every word is read, every time it will be written in the book of deeds as charity.
(Sahih Muslim: Number of Hadith 1006)
2⃣. A thousand good deeds are recorded or a thousand sins are forgiven.
(Sahih Muslim: Hadith Number 2698)
3⃣. There is a reward for freeing 100 slaves of the generation of Hazrat Ismail (peace be upon him).
(Sunan Ibn Majah: Number of hadiths 3810, Al-Silsilah al-Sahiha by Al-Albani: Number of hadiths 1316)
4⃣. 💯 times Meezan (which is bigger than the earth and the sky) is filled with good deeds.
(Sahih Muslim: Hadith Volume 223)
5⃣. 💯 There is a reward for dedicating a ready horse in the way of Allah.
(Sunan Ibn Majah: Number of hadiths 3810, Al-Silsilah al-Sahiha by Al-Albani: Number of hadiths 1316)
6⃣. 💯 There is a reward for sacrificing a camel in the way of Allah.
(Sunan Ibn Majah: Number of hadiths 3810, Al-Silsha al-Sahiha by Al-Albani: Number of hadiths 1316)
7⃣. The space between the earth and the sky is filled with goodness.
(Sunan Ibn Majah: Number of hadiths 3810, Al-Silsha al-Sahiha by Al-Albani: Number of hadiths 1316)
8⃣ These words are a shield from Hell and will come as saviors on the Day of Judgment.
(Sunan al-Kubri: Number of hadiths 10618, Sahih al-Jami’ al-Saghir by al-Albani: Number of hadiths 3214)
9⃣ These words revolve around the Arsh and remember their readers.
(Sunan Ibn Majah: Number of Hadith 3854, Sahih al-Targhib and Tarhib by Al-Albani: Number of Hadith 1568)
🔟 These words are the plants of heaven. And these words were the most beloved to the Prophet.
(Sunan Tirmidhi: 3693, Sahih Muslim: 2695)
1⃣1⃣ And by reading these words often, diseases like laziness in Tahajjud, stinginess in spending for the sake of Allah and cowardice in Jihad for the sake of Allah are removed.
(Musnad Ahmad: Number of Hadith 3490, Sahih al-Targheeb and Tarheeb Lal al-Albani: Number of Hadith 1571)
🌹 Make these adkaar obligatory once a day, except lazy laziness! For ease and reminder, complete one dhikr a hundred times after each prayer.
Encourage others to do the same. Because Sharia gives equal reward to the one who acts as well as to the one who encourages this act!