how much water should i drink during fasting
Drinking adequate amount of water is very important for human health but it is difficult to take care during Ramadan.
The fact is that a slight decrease in the amount of water in the body or dehydration can lead to fatigue, headaches, low blood pressure and skin problems.
Drinking water is very important and one should drink 6 to 8 glasses of water between iftar and suhoor but also focus on one's diet.

A few foods not only make it easier to maintain the proper amount of water in the body, but also help prevent the increase in thirst intensity.
Everyone knows about watermelon that it contains water and calories are negligible.
In fact, 92% of it consists of water and it is the best fruit to protect the body from dehydration.
Eating one cup of watermelon (154 grams) provides the body with half a cup of water (118 ml), while also providing fiber and other important nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin A and magnesium.
Strawberries are also high in water content and hence are the best fruit to prevent dehydration during Ramadan.
It has 91% water content while fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals are also present in this fruit.
Eating this fruit reduces inflammation in the body, which helps prevent heart disease, diabetes and various types of cancer.
Eating melons also helps protect the body from dehydration as it is 90% water.
This fruit contains fiber, vitamin A and many other nutrients that also benefit health.
Malts are considered to be very useful for health, but at the same time, it is also a beneficial fruit to protect the body from dehydration.
It contains 88% of water while vitamin C, vitamin and other components are also part of the body.