Rain and wheat
With the advent of Ramadan, the rains have started across the country.
There is no doubt that rain is a great blessing of Allah and because of the coolness of the weather in Ramadan, many people like me enjoy the rains.
But have you thought that these rains can be a blessing as well as a great national test.
Because more than 75% of Pakistan's food needs are met by wheat crop.
In Sindh province, wheat harvest is done in late March and Punjab in April, while in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, wheat harvest is ready after that.
Currently, the wheat crop is in the fields almost all over Pakistan.
In some places, it is close to being harvested, while in some places, the wheat harvest is still in its early stages.
Heavy rains and hailstorms this year have often affected the wheat crop across the country or are about to.
Therefore, the most urgent request is to pray to Allah so that all of us, including the farmers, do not face food shortages in the coming year. And where rain is needed, let there be rain.
And wherever there is fear of losses, may Allah Almighty stop the rains, Amen
Abundance of Istighfar and Durood Sharif is mandatory.
May Allah be with us and not upon us

O Allah! It rained around us and (now) it did not (rain) on us. O Allah! Between the hills, the hills, the valleys and in the places where the trees grow (it rains).”